Thursday, February 2, 2017

Combination of black beans and rice

This combination of beans with rice is more classical, a Mediterranean style, than the combination of beans with manioc flour, more in the style of Brazilian cuisine.
  • On the one hand, cook the beans with an onion, two bay leaves and salt to taste. And in another saucepan, cook the rice.
When I prepare a dish with black beans or rice, I usually prepare more than I need to make the dish; so the next day I can prepare another combination without much complication in the kitchen.

In the case of black beans, unlike white or pinto beans, I always prepare them alone because the stock from cooking will darken the color of the other ingredients. And in the case of rice, sauté in little extra virgin olive oil to heat it.

To give colorful to the dish and a different flavor: Cut a zucchini and a carrot into small dices and sauté in a little extra virgin olive oil.
Ingredients (Serves 4):
  • The quantities and ingredients are always to the taste of the one who prepares the dish. Well, just when preparing this recipe, the vegetables I had at that moment were zucchini and carrots, in addition to the usual onions and garlic bulbs.
200 g  black beans ;
1 small  zucchini
2 large onions;
1 coffee cup of brown rice;
  bay leaves ;
  extra virgin olive oil ;
sea salt (to taste). 


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